I Want You
You can apply to be published on our Instagram feed – for free, of course! All you need to do is to shoot us an email at info@brillomagazine.it with a selection of your work (JPG), your bio and your IG profile. If you fit with Brilloʼs stylistic criteria, be sure weʼll get back to you!
Attention: Illustrations in the email must be sent with a We Transfer link. Applications with attached illustrations will NOT be considered.
- Do you want to be a Brillo's friend?
- If you are an artist...
- Send to info@brillomagazine.it you bio, jpg art works or IG profile
- Wait for reply
If we already blinked at you by reposting your art on our Instagram feed, we will consider you for our publication too. We base our decision on: the positive interest your work raises among our followers and the overall direction of the upcoming issue. Eventually, we will reach out with all the editorial details and requirements!
© Brillo di Patrizia De Nardi – C.F. DNRPRZ90R64F443P – P.IVA 05097860265 – Via Caonada 10/D, 31044 Montebelluna (TV) – Powered by VoglioClienti.it e StrategiaVincente.it